Adam and I haven't spent a whole lot of time thinking about baby names. So many people have offered suggestions, which I listen to none of them. But I have also been told that we need to come up with a name for baby to use in the mean time. I have just been calling baby "Baby", but that is not very creative. I also don't want a nickname that is gender specific. Yet, I keep calling Baby a he, and that really makes me want a gender neutral nickname until Baby comes out. I've loved the ideas that friends have used for their babies, and I need to come up with something as great at theirs!
We have started talking about decorating Baby's room. Adam wants to paint the room blue with clouds and stencil in trees. :)
My hair is growing faster on the left side of my head than the right side. It is making me keep my hair in a ponytail most of the time. It's subtle and probably no one else would notice unless I point it out to them, but I know that it's goofy, so ponytail it is. Hopefully my wonderful sis-in-law can come visit soon and fix this ridiculous problem.
2 weeks ago