Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Happenings in our lives

1. We have a one year old. He cannot walk yet, but he walks while pushing around toys with wheels. When he cannot walk anymore, he gets very frustrated and mad. Also, more time standing on his two feet means more falling. And more falling means more crying. He is the cutest little guy. He is also getting way more talkative. Gibberish, but the cutest gibberish ever.
2. I am starting a new job next week with Western Governors University. I will be in training for 12 weeks but then I will work from home! WGU is an online university and I will be a course mentor, helping future teachers with their chemistry courses. I am super excited to finally have a job where I will work full time and have benefits!
3. WGU is sending me to Salt Lake City for a conference. I have never spent the night away from Dylan and I am going to be in SLC for 5 days. I am handling it okay, I think, but when he's being super cute, it makes me cry. Hopefully I will be so busy I don't have a chance to think about how much I'll be missing my little man. And hopefully I don't start crying in front of all my new coworkers.
4. Adam is still recovering from his surgery that he had back in March. The pressure sore is finally healing, but he cannot work until it stops draining. Which basically means he doesn't have any idea when he'll be able to go back to work. Grumble.
5. Spunky is still a sweet dog, and while she is very apprehensive of Dylan, she gives him a kiss and runs away. Dylan thinks she's hilarious and often when he's crying uncontrollably, Spunky can come over and give him a kiss and he's okay. Instead of mommy kissing it to make it better, the dog does. At least someone in the house has the magic touch.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1 year later....

A year ago, I was waiting, trying to be patient, for my water to either break while i was in class or for my scheduled induction. My little man was born 51 weeks ago and it has been such an amazing wild ride so far. I never thought I would love being a mom this much, but it really is the best job I could have ever had. My little man is the sweetest peanut and I love him SO much! He has gorgeous red hair, big blue eyes, and the sweetest disposition (most of the time). He makes the funniest faces, loves the dog, and chases her everywhere he can. He crawls very fast most of the time, but sometimes he crawls very slowly - so slowly in fact, it looks like he should be saying "fee, fie, foe, fum" and it cracks me up. He pulls himself up to stand and can walk around furniture. Adam says he took three accidental steps toward him the other night while I was at work (typical!), but I have yet to see anything more than a half of an accidental step. He says "Mama" "baba" "dada" "byebye" (though byebye and baba are very similar) and any combination of those consonants. I think he only really knows me as mama, I don't think he calls adam dada yet and sometimes he might be saying byebye when he waves, i don't think he knows what that means yet either. He learns something new every day. It is so neat to watch him think and observe this new world of his. He also makes a 'g' sound when he sees a goose (sometimes). He's figuring it all out and it is so awesome.

Next week we will have a 1 year old. I just can't believe it. The past year has flown by so stinking fast!